Sunday, April 3, 2011

what New York Times wouldn't let me say

I'm a diligent reader of the New York Times and I comment a lot on their articles. Recently an article was written concerning News Corps foray into the Latino market. Usually I have no problem getting my comments published but this time they didn't and I would like your opinion on why. The article is aptly named "Fox Expands Presence in Hispanic TV" & here is my comment:.

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On the surface this seems very benign, a corporate entity seeing an opportunity to expand their markets in a growing demographic. I hate to be the cynic and a bit suspicious, but I have watched News Corp. over the last couple years spend & knowingly lose money with shows like Glenn Beck on their flag ship Fox News because of a political agenda they believe in. Glenn Beck is plagued with low sponsorship but Fox News and Roger Aile's believes that they have a mission to slant their news to the right in order to control the message to millions of their viewers for the Republican Party. We have much evidence as executives have candidly told us that they knowingly fib and exaggerate to their viewership in order to perpetrate fear and doubt of our current President and his Democratic administration.

We all know this and I believe that their foray into the Latino markets are part of a larger strategy by News Corp. We all know Fox news has a brilliant messaging strategy and we also know the Hispanic demographic is not only growing but is voting in record numbers. Lets put two and two together quickly and realize that Fox news can and will master the messaging to this vital Democratic demographic. Lets target the Latino market as heavily before they too vote against their own interests based on propaganda and rhetoric that they are convinced by superior marketing that its news.

I'd like to state a little of my reasoning behind my assumption. We all saw Fox News stage an all out assault when President Obama nominated Sonya Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Numerous Fox News commentators parroted the fact that she was made comments about being a Latina that gave her insight & empathy when judicating that others may not have. We also remember how Fox tried to scare their viewership because Judge Sotomayor once belonged to La Raza and was tainted because they successfully painted them as some sort of terrorist organization who hated Americans and white people. We also remember how Fox News defended Jan Brewers profiling bill as something uniquely American, even using concocted ideas that their were dead bodies all over the Arizona desert to intensify the fear.

This new network will distance itself from Fox News by using Latino commentators speaking in Spanish who will disassociate their messaging from their flag ship station, but WILL continue their role in creating doubt of anything the Democratic administration does. I am not naive and I believe they will master their duel role and be successful at it. Lets remind the Latino's who this entity represents and convince them, its not the Latino community but is the almighty dollar & Republican agenda.

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