I have to get back to this, I get so busy with other stuff I never get to finish my thought coherently because I am a small business person and I am always working. I am the very person the GOP pretends to want to help with this mantra of low regulation and free markets. Sir, respectfully your full of BS; the GOP is destroying me with their non-regulation of industries whose only motive is to make money. This is the history: http://bit.ly/x7KJrH This law did was not help liquidity and strengthen the markets as was its intention but did allow traders on Wall Street and CBO to infuse the markets with speculator $$ meant to drive up the prices of commodities like Oil, Gas, Food & Copper, you name it (its so rabid in energy it affects everything consumers buy, prices even go higher because everything is transported using fuel). They did this by means of bets on bets (derivatives) for the future price of those essential economic materials that every American uses. This is bad calculus and fuzzy math at best as these options on futures completely changed the commodities markets making them so complex that even Alan (I spent nights fawning over Ayn Rand) Greenspan couldn't understand them and who recently came out apologizing to Americans that he didn't pay enough attention to what these time bombs would do to the real economy. Sir, there are 10's of Trillions of $$ traded on these phony baloney financial instruments whose base underlying commodity wasn't worth even a 10th of the value purported by the end price paid at contract. These speculators play spreads, plain and simple and rather unfairly because they aren't regulated closely with the regulators charged with the oversite being part of the industry they are tasked with regulating. Lets be clear, these investment bankers have the upper hand with the volumes brokerage firms and hedge funds control, they can sway markets by large swings to get upside commission fees and profits or downside commissions fees in essence for them its "win win" any way you look at it.
I as a construction person can tell you first hand that just in my industry, because of the great Bush/Greenspan depression caused not from a redlining law but from the financial industry writing any kind of mortgage instrument it could make up, package them, and sell them on derivatives markets tranched (CDO’s) up so much that some were even made up of future mortgages just for speculative trading and insult to this was they also made up insurance vehicles (CDS’s) with no capital requirements to bail them out if they failed. All fake and phony making so much $$ for a few that In my industry we are still depressed. Construction had a nuclear bomb the GOP and their de-regulation set off in 2007 and much of the fall out still hasn't killed everyone in the industry like suppliers and transport.
I'm sorry sir, energy supply is up and demand is down. We are drilling everywhere and with methods that 20 years from now will probably will be blamed for sicknesses such as cancers or pulmonary maladies. We are not consuming as much energy and lets be real honest about this, other than transportation services & true manufacturing processes, construction is a big player in consumption and our demand is at historically low levels. Let’s not forget that we are driving less as a nation and we are using more fuel efficient vehicles.
Don't Bull Shit me sir because I am awake now, I am a small businessman who understands the tactics used by the Republicans. They do not care about me or my small business and they will keep lying about what the real reason is for high gas and oil prices. They care about deregulation in industries that make some very rich industries richer even if its known it will cause the rest of us great financial pain. I know energy & financial industries have found many in media greedy and gullible enough to sell a well refined PR message to a constituency looking for a boogieman and unfortunately many will believe that message. I also know they will use every social issue they can like smoke and mirrors to hide how fascist they have become while blaming it on government. I am however optimistic the American people will see through the haze this time.
Oh and by the way; Eisenhower is the President who thought it prudent to invest in a national system of highways, President Eisenhower was a progressive. We need more progressives to save this country.